I wanted to keep the project kinda neutral and stick to earthy colors. I ended up using two fabric collection's that were both offered by the designers from Kansas Troubles Quilters called "Sandhill Plums" and "Cattails & Clover". I like the overall feel of the mix of the colors and hoped it wouldn't be too dark of a project when completed. My one complaint is that once I had all my fabrics together and was making my final decisions as to what specific pieces to use where the overall look started to kinda feel a bit too much like Christmas colors, but I really love all the fabrics that I chose so I kept those choices.
The project is intended to be a house warming gift for two friends of mine who just purchased their first home together. They had invited our family to a party to celebrate and I was looking forward to having the project together as the gift I would bring. I knew the basic color schemes that they liked and was hopeful these would fit into their decor. A few times working on this project I did second guess things. Making a quilt for someone's bed is one type of gift, but making a quilt intended only to be displayed on a wall, kinda a whole other thing. I felt a like it may be somewhat presumptuous and I wouldn't want someone to feel compelled to hang it up when it may not be entirely their style. I suppose that this could be an item displayed in winter or during the holidays, although I hope they like it enough to have it hang in their home all year round.
During my preparation for this project I made a not so startling revaluation... as noted in my 'BOTW - Ohio Star' post, I hate traditional piecing method for putting flying geese together. Of course, what's an Ohio Star but a 9 patch block that incorporates flying geese!! So, that's where the plan that I had sketched out in my graph paper notebook changed from many different Ohio Star blocks of all sizes and some inside other blocks to only one size Ohio Star block, then again to one giant lone star block surrounded by a boarder of Ohio stars.
The final project completed. It was a fun project, perhaps a slightly smaller size next time, but I think it will look good within my friends' home.