Quilt Gallery 3


 Christmas 2012 Projects



This was a quick little Ohio Star project that I did as a reproduction of a quilt that I had repaired.  This was a fun project for me because I found a quick method for flying geese on another quilter's blog and it really helped me get over my dislike for this traditional quilt block.

Every project starts with a fabric plan.

Very traditional design.. Ohio block square interrupted on the diagonal by an alternating contrasting block.
Went a bit crazy with the boarders on this project.. an opportunity to practice my mitered corners.

Turned out to be a cute little sofa throw quilt.
This project was a gift for friend of my son on her 7th birthday.  This was my first rag style quilt and it was fairly easy to make as I  had expected.  However, her birthday is in the summer and to be working with polar fleece when it's 90 degrees isn't ideal. Turned out to be a really fast and cute project and she seemed to like it.

What little girl wouldn't like this fabric.. it's really cute and really soft and warm.

Now for assembly.  Cutting.. lots and lots of cutting!

There's no batting in a rag quilt, so one side ends up looking like this.. while the other looks all frayed.. like "rags"..
Had it not been for my favorite little spring loaded scissors, this one would have not done the arthritis in my fingers any favors.

Finished quilt...

This project was a house warming gift for some friends of mine.  When I do these types of wall hangings I wonder if people actually hang them up or not.  It's a bit bold to ask someone to decorate with something that you've chosen for them, but I think these colors suited this couple and their style so hopefully they enjoyed it by hanging it in their home.

This couple had real earthy tones in their home so I felt these would fit in well.

The back of this piece was simple, but I did use colors that I wanted to have wrap around as the binding to add to the colors of the front, they're hard to see in the photo below.

Finished wall hanging.  It was somewhat big but on the right wall I think would look great.
Another project for Jason's bed.  I've had this fabric for him for a very long time but just had too many projects on the table to take time to do one for our family.  These fabric panels are fun and make a really cute project.


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