Tuesday, June 14, 2011

If you can read this thank a teacher!

Just stop for a few minutes and think of all the ways teachers and your experiences in school have shaped your life, how it has impacted you.  I have certainly been influenced and molded by my memories, experiences, struggles and successes that I've had in school over the years.  The road to the person I am today has, in some way, been paved by the influence of teachers, coaches, friends and fellow classmates.  Some teachers deserve more of my reverence than others.. and you can certainly tell the ones that give their whole self to their work..

With this school year coming to an end I had been left with the thoughts of how well Jason has done in Kindergarten.  We're not ready to mail in his application to Mensa just yet, but I've observed a very socially immature little boy grow in so many ways over the last year. 

Those of you who know me know that I'm not a parent who touts my boy's strong suits only to ignore those aspects where he has room for improvement... I like to think I'm honest as to the truth about his abilities, and where he's still learning. 

Just a year or two ago he had a great deal of trouble being social, it was difficult as a parent to watch sometimes.  Even within our family he struggled to feel confident speaking with his aunts, uncles and cousins and would often cry and fuss at family events.  This year it has been nothing sort of awesome to see his personality come alive, for that special spark that he has to come through.  I am thrilled for others to finally see what I have been able to see all along.  He really is such a caring, smart, funny and creative little boy.  Of course we, as his parents, have an influence and have been trying to guide and encourage him.. but, I strongly believe that the exceptional teachers he has at his school to guide him has made all the difference.

One of the projects I have completed this week has been a gift for Jason's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Vorce.  One of the other mothers and I had been discussing possible gifts to present to the teacher at the end of the year / graduation celebration.  I had brought up the fact that I was thinking of a small quilt project for her and she suggested hand prints.  Sounded like a great idea and since she volunteers at the school she was kind enough to assist by sneaking the children out of the class room a few at a time in order to have each of them make a hand print and write their name for us.

She then passed the prints along to me and I scanned them into the computer and printed them with an ink jet printer onto printable cotton... Sounds familiar??? Yes.. yet another way to use printable cotton other than photographs..

The children will be presenting this to Mrs. Vorce on Thursday of this week... See more in-process photos in 'Quilt Gallery 2'

**** UPDATE **** Photos of the kids at their end of the year pizza party presenting this gift to their teacher added to 'Quilt Gallery 2'...

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