Today I can honestly say, that was then and this is now. In between those two projects I found, on another quilter's blog, the best shortcut process for creating flying geese that I've ever seen on a site that I frequently visit called 'Connecting Threads'. To follow the process of theirs that I have used to learn how to create flying geese easily and accurately check out this link.
I've also used this project as a way to practice my mitered boarders. On a lot of projects I simply use interrupted boarders which I find to look fine but leave a bit to be desired when you're looking for a clean, professional looking result. Mitered boarders simply add a detail to a quilt that looks like you've taken a bit of extra care in its preparation.
This photo also shows a bit of the quilting on this item as well. The style of quilting is rather hap-hazard .. just meandering stitching around the whole project in a color thread that coordinates with the green fabrics and shows as a bit of relief on the lighter color. Bobbin color coordinated with the back of the quilt, and with the back being a paisley print that matched the inside boarder, a meander stitch faded in nicely.
The finished project...